
How Warranty Management Plays a Vital Role in Customer Re-Engagement?

Warranty Management

Customers are brand advocates, source of valuable feedback, and a foundation for sustainable business growth. As much as it is tough to attract new customers, it is even more difficult to retain the existing ones. Businesses often face issues in keeping their customer base intact, especially the existing ones. Factors like competition and a shift in consumer preferences often leads to a decrease in consumer ratio. A good brand or business is the one that can offer best services, products, warranty, and after-sale support to their clients. The old customers are valuable for every business as they bring in constant revenue and are more likely to try new products and services of the company. Once they like the product, they will publicize it through word of mouth and attract new customers. A new customer is more likely to purchase from a brand after seeing its credibility and issue resolving capabilities.

Solution for Customer Re-engagement with Digi Warr

Customers often look for a warranty management solution before making a purchase for the product or service. QR Code helps the customer to access and manage the warranty information. As the customers get the accessibility, it enhances the customer experience and strengthens the brand customer relationship. Here are a few ways to implement customer re-engagement strategies.

Linking QR Code to warranty information 

The customers can have all the information related to their warranties by simply scanning the QR Code or BarCode. All the information related to how the QR code can be used for warranties must also be provided.

QR Code Campaigns

Businesses can launch QR Code campaigns via email, social media, or physical marketing methods to inform the customers about the benefits of scanning the QR Code. They can also highlight the convenience of accessing warranty information and exclusive offers.

Track and Analyze Performance 

Analytics is useful to track and analyze the performance. 


A well-implemented warranty management solution like Digi Warr, not only helps in addressing customer complaints but also contributes to brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and brand perceptions. Using a QR Code based warranty management system enhances the customers reach and gives them the reason to trust the authenticity of your business. Embrace this innovation and stay ahead in the competitive market.